Isle of Love

Isle of Love

Have you ever heard of a love story involving seashells? Well, get ready to dive into the romantic tale of our owners, Marisa and Bailey, who recently got engaged on a shelling excursion on Marco Island!

Shelling Excursion Surprise

Picture this: a beautiful morning on Kice Island, off the coast of Marco Island, with the sun shining and the sound of waves crashing in the background. Marisa and Bailey spent hours scouring the shore for rare seashells (which actually inspired the new Isle Collection).

A Proposal to Remember

As the day turned into evening, Marisa had a special surprise up her sleeve (or should we say, in her pocket?). With a heart full of love and a pocket full of seashells, she got down on one knee and proposed to Bailey. And guess what? Bailey said yes! Cue the happy tears and the sound of seashells clinking together in celebration.

Capturing the Moment

While there aren't too many pictures from that magical day (because let's be real, they were too busy living in the moment), the ones they did capture are filled with love, laughter, and of course, beautiful seashells. The joy and excitement radiate from every shot, reminding us all that love is the greatest treasure of all.

Happy Shelling & Happy Shopping!

As Marisa and Bailey embark on this new chapter of their lives together, they invite you to join in the celebration. Explore the new products inspired by their love story, filled with the same beauty and uniqueness as the seashells they found on that fateful day. Happy shelling, happy shopping, and most importantly, happy love!



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